Concierge Services

Personal Holiday Shopping
Check one more item off your "to do" list!
We know you are busy and the holidays can be stressful.
Let us take a little weight off your shoulders and put your mind at ease
with our personal holiday shopping service.
You make the list, we will check it twice
and make sure that all of your shopping is complete before the big day!
Personal Shopping
You provide the Christmas lists, we will check them twice
and ensure that all your shopping is completed in a timely manner!
$35 / Hour*
Complete Christmas Package
You provide the Christmas lists and we will do the rest!
We will check your list twice, ensure all your shopping is completed
and your gifts are all wrapped before the big day!
$30 / Hour*
* Additional Cost - The actual cost of the gifts on your list is in addition to the hourly fee.
Hours are billed to the nearest quarter hour.

Holiday Gift Wrapping
Wrapping gifts to add the element of surprise has been a tradition for thousands of years. These days, there seems to be more gifts to wrap and less time to complete the task.
Don't lose sleep wrapping gifts all night or worry about finding the time and energy to get the job done.
We wrap each gift with care to give you a beautiful finished product.
Save time, energy and space with our holiday gift wrapping service!
Personal Wrapping
You provide the gifts and all the wrapping supplies including;
bags, boxes, tissue paper, wrapping paper, tape, ribbon and bows.
We return any left over supplies to you when we deliver your beautifully wrapped gifts.
$25 / Hour*
All Wrapped Up
You provide the gifts and we will take care of the rest!
We provide the bags, boxes, tissue paper, wrapping paper, tape, ribbon and bows.
$35 / Hour*
Complete Christmas Package
You provide the Christmas lists and we will do the rest!
We will check your list twice, ensure all your shopping is completed
and your gifts are all wrapped before the big day!
$30 / Hour*
* Additional Cost - The actual cost of the gifts on your list is in addition to the hourly fee.
Hours are billed to the nearest quarter hour.
Individual Gift Wrapping
When you only have a select number of gifts you'd like professionally wrapped,
You provide the gifts and we will take care of the rest!
We provide the bags, boxes, tissue paper, wrapping paper, tape, ribbon and bows.
1-5 Gifts $3 / Gift
5-10 Gifts $2.50 / Gift